Isaiah 9:1-4

The time of darkness and despair is turned into glory and light through humility before God. If we allow an adjustment of our perspective of God, we will see ourselves differently. This changed the outcome of our season into fruitfulness and freedom. Isaiah Vlog 8...

Isaiah 4:2-6

God has designed a safe place for us in the midst of life’s challenges. If we focus on the revelation of who Jesus is to us and how clean His blood has made us to be, we can hide under his canopy of protection and peace. We apologize for the focus issues of our...

Isaiah 2:2-6 Based on the New Testament, believers in Jesus have come to a non-physical mountain called Zion (Hebrews 12) and are called the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21). Isaiah 2 tells us that in the “Last Days” all the nations will...

Isaiah 1:11-18

Join Tim in taking a look at a couple of verses from Isaiah 1. It is possible to be so focused on the things God has asked us to do that we become fixated on them instead of on God. When that happens, it strips out the meaning of the action of obedience and causes our...