Here’s what I’ve learned through it all: Don’t give up; don’t be impatient; be entwined as one with the Lord. Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope. Yes, keep on waiting—for he will never disappoint you! Psalm 27:14 An elderly man was waiting . . . for this...
Godly government matters. Biblical government does not rest on institutions, organizations, or structures but on people. The Son of God, Jesus would carry the government of God in meekness and in power instilling hope for the future. God’s government results in...
God has designed a safe place for us in the midst of life’s challenges. If we focus on the revelation of who Jesus is to us and how clean His blood has made us to be, we can hide under his canopy of protection and peace. We apologize for the focus issues of our...
Surrender your anxiety. Relax! Wow, this verse in Psalm 46 really challenged me! No to be more exact it hit me hard. How many times in the midst of stressful situations have I snuggled up to anxiety as if it were my best friend? When have I run into the arms of...